First time posts.

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Re: First time posts.

Postby BrianMet » Fri Nov 19, 2021 8:07 pm

7 views but no-one dares to comment, the issue with this is where is the focus, my eye is drawn to the path which takes me to the bright patch left central and there's nothing there. There is some real nice graphics going on with the trampoline so work on that and cut out the rest it's irrelevant and distracting
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Re: First time posts.

Postby IanT » Sun Nov 21, 2021 9:43 am

My first thought is "what are you trying to tell me?" This is not a pretty landscape or a well-crafted portrait and I'm wondering what the photographer is trying to convey, other than 'wet'. It has no point of interest to entice me and therefore I cannot understand why the trampoline is chosen to occupy more than half the pixels. It might have been made humorous if there was someone bouncing on it, maybe. If the intention was indeed to say 'wet', I think that there would be many other more interesting articles that would evoke that feeling. Sorry Dylan, it does nothing for me.
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Re: First time posts.

Postby billf » Wed Nov 24, 2021 6:08 pm

I too am unsure of what this image is trying tell me.
It's raining, a path leading to boats and water.
I'm not sure how it could be improved even with heavy cropping.
I'm unable to link the disparate elements.
I'd be interested to hear what the author was trying to convey.
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Re: First time posts.

Postby kimw » Mon Nov 29, 2021 8:41 pm

A well captured snipit of time, that means something to the author and properly no one else.
Absolutely nothing wrong with that ,but as an image it fails on many points.

Compositionally ,it falls short as there are no obvious focus point (Not always needed ,dependant on subject ) , it`s divided into compartments that don`t actually say anything and it`s very flat and grey . It`s not contained on the edges and has no lead to any point of interest.

One to put aside for a rainy day :roll:
Thanks for posting and re- igniting this page.
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