101 useful things to do with Toilet Rolls

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101 useful things to do with Toilet Rolls

Postby peterr » Sun Mar 22, 2020 6:40 pm

Hello everyone and I hope you are all bearing up in these troubling times.
Judging by the supermarket shelves it would appear that one of the pre-requisites for getting through the crisis is to ensure that you have a huge supply of toilet rolls. Now, I must admit this has puzzled both me and Julie – why the need for so many? We were flummoxed, so whilst whiling away the hours in the house today we have been giving thought to the useful things people can do with them and the very first idea we have come up with is ten pin bowling. Why not build your own alley in the comfort of your own sitting room? You only need 18 toilet rolls to make a good set of nine-pins. Unfortunately, due to the limited supply in the supermarkets, we have only managed to rustle up 10, but as you can see below we still had minutes of fun.
Now I’m sure that many of you have plenty of alternative ideas of useful things you can do with an excess of toilet rolls, whether that is to build a scale model of the Eiffel Tower or make a new pair of pyjamas. So please let’s see some of your ideas and see if we can reach the target number of 101. :)
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Re: 101 useful things to do with Toilet Rolls

Postby TonyMac » Sun Mar 22, 2020 7:50 pm

Great Idea Pete I'm on the case :D :D :D
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Re: 101 useful things to do with Toilet Rolls

Postby IanT » Mon Mar 23, 2020 11:17 am

Shutter speed's too slow, Peter. Tut, tut. You'll never be able freeze a ball in motion ....... :D
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