New member camera recommendations

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New member camera recommendations

Postby MarkL » Fri Nov 04, 2022 1:55 pm

Hi all,

I’m a new member to the club and beginner to photography (attending the beginners course). I’m looking to buy a camera but not sure what camera to get, so far I’ve been looking at Canon 6D Mk ll and a Nikon Z5, but open to any sugestions or brands in this price range.

My interests pretty much cover all areas of photography so need an all-rounder.

Does anyone have any advice or suggestions?

Thank you in advance

Mark Leonard :)
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Re: New member camera recommendations

Postby IanT » Sat Nov 05, 2022 11:11 am

That's a tricky one, Mark. The un-answerable question, unless you happen to be a camera-shop salesman, when the answer will be weighted to the device which generates most profit!

You mention 2 full-frame cameras and that's a very good place to start: you will get from such beasts the best possible image quality per pound. The Nikon has a few more pixels on its sensor - 24.3 Mpix as against 20 Mpix on the 6D, but that is inconsequential these days. The Z5 is mirrorless, which has a few small advantages but has no real effect on picture quality which from either device will be fantaastic, so nothing to choose between them there. Lens prices are very similar for each device. The Z5 might have the edge on auto-focusing performance but that matters only according to the intended subject matter: sports? Give me superb AI tracking. Portraits? Eye tracking is useful. Landscape? Forget auto focus - you'll be using manual! The sensors in the majority of Nikon cameras are made by Sony and they are top notch: Canon uses Sony sensors in some of their small compacts but all their SLRs contain home-brew sensors: they are also top-notch. There are many fervent evangelists who argue about which is best, citing features, benefits and opinon. So, which to get? There'll be no noticeable difference in output from either when printed or on the screen so hold each in your hand, take a few pictures with them and buy the one that feels and works best for you. Cop out? Maybe ... ;-)

So much for the impartial stuff. I am (and since 1973 always have been) a Canon user and I am so comfortable with the way my picture-box ergonomics work for me that I would never change. Un-impartially, with an ojective slant - I think Canon boxes have the edge in the usability column, especially with regard to 'surface' buttons and menu operations. Oh, and - if it bothers you - Canon lens attach by rotating clockwise whereas Nikon do this anti-clockwise. As I say, if it bothers you.....

Ultimately, you will get fantastic pictures with either device. For both, expect to be spending some money on good lenses - the kit lenses that come with such devices are ok-ish but you-ll soon see the need for better.

Finally, I think that there's someone inthe club who has a 6D and lenses for sale - shall I enquire for you?
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Re: New member camera recommendations

Postby MarkL » Mon Nov 07, 2022 6:27 pm

Hi Ian, Thanks for the very comprehensive advice, it's really helpful and given me lots to think about.
I've handled the 6D MK ll and got on with it quite well, so I will see if I can get to handle a Z5 before making a decision.

Thanks again for taking the time to answer my question.

All best. Mark
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Re: New member camera recommendations

Postby BrianMet » Tue Nov 08, 2022 4:10 pm

Mark, first thing is your budget. As Ian says hold the the thing in your hand some are more comfortable than others (ergonomics) check you can navigate the menu/display Some come with lots of bells and whistles and not all are useful. So…
Check budget
Check the feel and ease of use
Check the support and software provided ( I understand Canon has a superior support network to that of Nikon)
Read some reviews YouTube is invaluable but make sure you view uk cameras there are variations in spec.

I have used Olympus mft since it was developed years back and love them to bits
I personally would avoid Sony it always look’s quirky to me and not always compatible with other photography bits
Panasonic/Lumix make some great cameras
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Re: New member camera recommendations

Postby MarkL » Wed Nov 09, 2022 11:54 am

Hi Brian, Thank you for the very helpful advice, I'll check out some youtube reviews. I know what you mean about my budget, it could easily creep up the more I research, but I have to be realistic and stop somewhere sensible :D

I know someone who has a Panasonic/Lumix (not sure which model), so I might get to handle one and see how it feels.

Once again thank you for the advice
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Re: New member camera recommendations

Postby BrianMet » Wed Nov 09, 2022 4:04 pm

Hi Mark,

I got some flack for being rude about Sony, it's just my opinion I just think it doesn't live up to its name these days and not just cameras.
The other thing if your new to all this , have look at what the club offers and take loads of pictures, create a bit of a portfolio it doesn't have to be fancy and review your images you might find one style or genre suits you best, that should give you an idea and what style of shooting suits you.
if you like aircraft and sport a fast focusing system would work better, street shooting doesn't have to be super spec, portraits a mid range camera with a good lens is best, I'm not a landscape or nature guy but I would think a good weather proof camera and tripod would be ideal.
Don't forget the lens as a guide I avoid kit lenses (what comes with the camera)

hope this helps a bit more
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Re: New member camera recommendations

Postby MarkL » Thu Nov 10, 2022 10:35 am

Thanks Brian, all advice is most welcome ...and thank you for the heads up about a kit lens.

All the best

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Re: New member camera recommendations

Postby MaddyP » Fri Dec 09, 2022 7:37 pm

Hi Mark,
To add my comments too. There is not that much difference between the makes and most of us stick to one make because we have invested in lenses (often referred to as 'glass'). Brian has talked about your budget, but probably my first question is to ask you if you already have lenses? Then the next question is to ask what sort of photography to lean towards? Most members lean in one direction or another. A few like me explore lots of different genres. The sort of camera system for nature and wildlife will be very different from someone really into street photography. You maybe very robust and not mind a very heavy camera and lenses, or you may need something light to carry around. On the whole mirrorless are lighter and crop framed are lighter that full frame. Start by asking yourself what you are interested in and then you can look at the different makes. On the whole Canon are considered to make better lenses, but then other makes have other aspects that are better than Canon. Incidentally I am predominately a Canon user, but have an Olympus and a little Sony and an even smaller Leica! If you are not going for a DSLR or a mirrorless, it is wise to choose a camera that can shoot in RAW format. Many point and shoot and bridge cameras do not. Happy to chat to you in person at one of the meets! Kind regards, Maddy
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