Photo Café - Saturday 29 April 2023 from 10:00

Coordinated by Colin Walls who can be contacted using The idea of the Café is to provide an opportunity for members to meet informally to talk about photography, there is no prepared, formal input. If members have any questions or things they need help with then they are encouraged to come along and, if appropriate, bring cameras or laptops and we will try and thrash out any problems together. A wide variety of issues and questions can be addressed, such as regarding technique, equipment, software etc. and members, regardless of their expertise and experience are encouraged to attend. Each Café will need a few experienced photographers to come along and provide some help and support.

Photo Café - Saturday 29 April 2023 from 10:00

Postby colinw » Mon Mar 06, 2023 4:50 pm

All are welcome to a Photo Café on Saturday 29 April 2023 from 10:00 onwards at Ruaridh's house:

The Cider House
Lower Howsell Road
WR14 1DH

Please let me know if you plan to come, so I know how many cups, etc. to get out - but please don't be put off coming if you've forgotten to tell me.

For those not familiar with our Photo Café, it is just an informal get-together of Club Members for a chat over drinks about all things photographic (or anything else really). If you have a specific question or challenge, there’s likely to be an expert on hand to assist so bring your camera or laptop, as appropriate. There may even be some cake!
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Membership Secretary
Posts: 720
Joined: Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:59 pm
Location: Malvern Link

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