Navigating the Forum

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Navigating the Forum

Postby nickb » Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:22 am

Now I know I will trigger an avalanche or derision for this admission but I have, at last, decided that I must own up to real difficulties understanding the structure of the forum.

I am not sure where to start with my questions so I will start with a very basic one. Is it really obvious to everyone else where to find a key to some of the icons and some of the definitions in use?

Eg What do all the icons down the left of the page mean? Pink discs with lines in, white discs, discs with animation, etc. I have developed several theories, after hours of study, but none stand up to thorough testing.

Eg Where can I find definitions of terms like 'new topic' and 'new post' ? How new is 'new'? My research seems to suggest some inconsistencies so I must be missing something (again!)?

And, of course, I may have posted this in a corner where nobody looks. But that opens another front of my confusion.

Hoping for enlightenment that does not require sitting on Ian's knee.

All the best

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Re: Navigating the Forum

Postby IanT » Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:52 am

You didn't complain last time you sat on my knee.....

You ask pertinent questions. The meaning of the icons is buried deep in the past of the forum software develeopment. After much searching around, I offer this rough guide:

General points
- Red icons are unread items, blue/grey are read
- A star on any topic means you have posted in it
- A scrolling icon means 'popular' - more than 25 posts

Image - Announcement
Image - Sticky topic
Image - Read topic
Image - Unread topic
Image - Read topic that you have posted in
Image - Unread topic that you have posted in
Image - Hot topic
Image - Locked topic
Image - Moved topic
Image - Forum with subforums (which have been read)
Image - Forum with subforums (which are unread)
Image - Link forum
Image - Attachment
Image - Go to last post in the topic
Image - Go to last unread post in the topic
Image - Subforum read
Image - Subforum unread
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Re: Navigating the Forum

Postby nickb » Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:08 am

A good start so thanks.

Generates more questions needless to say!
What about definitions of 'new post' , 'hot topic', etc?
You see when I use the 'view latest posts' thing I don't think it does that as I would expect. Also some 'new posts' seem to be a year old? What am I doing wrong?

Is it possible that a brief session on all this at a Members Night might help people like me (if there are others?) and even encourage more active users? At the start of the new season? Just a thought.

Just worried about you knees.

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Re: Navigating the Forum

Postby IanT » Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:26 pm

'New' post means new to you, not new to the forum. You can mark forums as read (i.e. not 'new') by clicking the 'mark as read' link near top right of each screen.

'Hot topic' means one where there has been more than 25 responses/replies.

'etc' is short for the Latin 'et cetera' which, roughly translated, means 'and so on'. (har har)

Always ready for a session on this, but as to answers like this encouraging more users.....hmmm.
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Re: Navigating the Forum

Postby nickb » Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:31 pm

Thanks again.
Helpful as always.
I think I will leave further questions and suggestions until you have a pint in your hand!
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Re: Navigating the Forum

Postby Malcolmp » Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:53 pm

nickb wrote:Hoping for enlightenment All the bestNick

ME TOO!---- :lol: (try Buddism)
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Re: Navigating the Forum

Postby TonyMac » Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:34 pm

JoannaC wrote:This really helped. I still need to find where we express our votes on the speakers. :?

Presentation and competition feedback in the forum club operation section, which is the second section down each seperate section is highlighted in blue
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