I have received this from The Worcestershire Industrial Archaeology and Local History Society. We are mounting a regional conference of such groups at the Elim Centre In West Malvern on Saturday 4th April.
Around 100 delegates will attend.
We are interested in knowing if it might be possible/practical to mount a display of photographs illustrating local history/industrial archaeology to engage our visitors during the day.
I recall seeing some prospective candidates of images along the gallery outside Waitrose at times.
Is it a possible some of your members hold appropriate and appealing prints, or might see fit to generate a few prints that would work in this context?
Rather than simply have a single day's value from such a display, we would seek the College to platform the pictures for a few weeks, and might also see if we could negotiate them being displayed at the library or elsewhere around the same time.
If any one is interested in or have any suitable images please let me know below cheers Tony