CWT Fragile entry

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CWT Fragile entry

Postby peterr » Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:18 pm

My monochrome picture of a damselfly for the CWT Fragile competition caused a lot of debate at the review meeting.Why convert it to B&W? What did the colour version look like? were among the comments from the meeting participants. Well here is the colour version together with the B&W version as entered. My reasons for converting to monochrome were to de-emphasise the distracting background and draw out the fine detail in the damselfly's wings. So the question is, did I make the right decision?
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Re: CWT Fragile entry

Postby TonyMac » Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:32 pm

I think the case for the mono conversion is proved with out a shadow of a doubt Peter.
The Damselfly stands out so much more.
Its a shame that the background is so distracting because there are some beautiful colours also
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Re: CWT Fragile entry

Postby BillCr » Fri Sep 04, 2020 4:04 pm

I agree with Tony. The wings too look much more delicate/fragile. I do like mono anyway.
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Re: CWT Fragile entry

Postby kimw » Thu Sep 10, 2020 9:32 am

To me pulling out the detail has done the opposite of fragile. It`s hardened up the wings etc taking out the softness of the critter.
Colour for me with a toned down background---to much green with little interest.
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