Cleaning Print Head on a Canon Pixma Pro-10S

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Cleaning Print Head on a Canon Pixma Pro-10S

Postby BrianD » Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:32 pm

Unfortunately I've been away a lot recently and the print-head on my printer has blocked. I've looked at various solutions that can be bought on the Internet but wondered whether anyone at the club has any recommendations/suggestions. Many thanks, Brian
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Re: Cleaning Print Head on a Canon Pixma Pro-10S

Postby BrianD » Fri Sep 10, 2021 7:22 pm

Hi Paul, thanks for your suggestion. I was aware that this was an option but saw comments on-line re. ink usage (as you stated). Looks like I'll have to bite the bullet and give it a go ! Cheers, Brian
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Re: Cleaning Print Head on a Canon Pixma Pro-10S

Postby IanT » Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:42 am

Here's a trick you can try - it has worked for me. But it needs a steady hand and a stout heart....

This is an invasive procedure and if your printer has an easily removable print-head, it will be simple to replicate the action described below without the shennanigans of origami.

Get hold of some window-cleaning fluid, like Windowlene or other - they all contain the same stuff. Also, procure some tough paper kitchen roll - the sort that holds together when wet and which does not shed fibres when being used.

Multi-fold a sheet of the paper into a strip about an inch wide - so you'll then have a piece about a foot long, an inch wide and probably 4 or 8 layers thick.

With the printer power off and the printer head unlocked from its parked position (turn the power off when the print head is mid-way across the page if needs be), wet - and I mean 'wet', not just dampen - the middle of your towel strip with the window fluid, place it on the platen and very carefully move the print head over and on to it. You can ease the task by putting a single strip of printer paper under the head, overlapping the towel, move the head across and then remove the single strip when the head is in place.

Leave the head in contact with the wet towel for a few hours - add a few drops of liquid if it gets dry. Then, carefully move the head to and fro so as to wipe the dissolved ink from the head. Now, you need to be aware that some or a lot of the ink in the head will be wicked out into the towel - this is unavoidable and no doubt costly!

Finally, repeat the towel folding part this time without fluid, put in place as before and immediately move the head slowly over the dry towel so as to remove the remains of any solid/sludge left on the head. Again, some ink will be wicked out but this should look clean.

Remove all cleaning materials, power up the printer and do a nozzle check. There will be improvment ranging between 'some' to 'perfect' but you might need to give it another 'wet-soak' if it's really badly blocked.

Incidentally, you carry out this procedure at your own risk - I have no control over what you do and there are no guarantees offered!
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Re: Cleaning Print Head on a Canon Pixma Pro-10S

Postby BrianD » Wed Sep 22, 2021 11:22 am

Thanks Ian, appreciate your post. I was a bit naive/s'tupid buying the printer not realising this issue with inkjet printers. A lesson learnt - the hard way !
I'll let you know how I get on but it wont be for awhile as I'm spending a lot of time down in Devon at the moment !
Thks again, Brian
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Re: Cleaning Print Head on a Canon Pixma Pro-10S

Postby TonyMac » Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:05 pm

The longer you leave it the harder it will be to shift.
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