The Club

Membership Details

STOP PRESS! Membership rates FROZEN for the 2024-25 season!

At our AGM on 9th May 2024 it was announced that subscriptions will remain at last season's rates! This is as a result of some fantastic fundraising and the continuing support of all members - the committee's thanks go to everyone involved.

Currently, the club has 100+ members with a wide range of interests and abilities. We always welcome new members at ANY skill level and we offer to help you improve your image-taking capability. Any member of the public can join us - there are no pre-qualifications, other than enthusiasm for the subject! There's no commitment to join straight away: it'll cost you a few pounds per meeting (for a limited number of visits) to try us out. .

Single, full membership:
6 mths £40, 12 mths £65, 24 mths £125

Entitles the member to all club facilities at no extra charge, including remotely via 'Zoom' and as we now run for 48 weeks of the year this means that you pay at most about £1.35 per week!.

Joint (dual) membership
6 mths £70, 12 mths £120, 24 mths £220

All club facilities as for single membership, but for two people living at the same address.

Student membership

12 mths for £5

Student Membership: For those in full-time education. Please note that under 16s are welcome, but remain the responsibility of a parent or guardian who must accompany the child at any club event.


We welcome visitors to almost all BCC meetings - Thursdays and special interest groups. On each occasion, a donation [suggested amount: £3] would be gratefully received.

A Membership
Application form available here to download. This should be completed and either sent to the membership secretary (details on the form) or brought along to a club night. Incidentally, as we are a registered charity, filling in the gift aid details would be of great benefit to us!
