Group description
Lightroom andPhotoshop allows the user to enhance and/or create images, sometimes to a level that otherwise would not be possible. Once the the basic skills have been learned the only limit is the user's imagination. This can range from basic enhancements like contrast, brightness, colour saturation and so on (all possible in Lightroom) to to using layers for placing other images into your picture (not possible in Lightroom), known as compositing.
If you want to do more with your images, Lightroom is a good way to get started. . This special interest group can guide and help you achieve what you never thought possible! Due to the close interaction between attendees and Nick, spaces per season are limited to 6 only. You will need to bring your laptop loaded with Lightroom (no alternatives!) to take part in this group. It can be obtained on subscription from and is partnered with Photoshop, both of which can be installed on two computers for a cost of £10 per month. This provides the user with continuous free updates of the software.